
Driven to excellence, KCCDA committees ensure we’re delivering on our mission.

Working toward the fulfillment of our organization’s goals, the KCCDA Committees assist the Board of Directors and Executive Director with financial and personnel policies, and county-wide operational dispatch procedures. They work together to distribute resources, develop standards, manage personnel, and coordinate dispatch operations. KCCDA’s Committees meet at different times throughout the year to ensure KCCDA is delivering on its mission to provide the community with cost effective and efficient responses to public safety emergency services.

A Kalamazoo fire truck parked in a parking lot.

Executive Committee

The five member Executive Committee is designated in the organization’s bylaws and consist of the four elected officers of the Board of Directors (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, and Clerk) and the Chairperson of the Personnel Committee.  The Committee serves as the primary consult for the Executive Director regarding integral matters effecting the Dispatch Authority (legal, public relations, partnerships, etc.).  Furthermore, the Committee is responsible for reviewing meeting agendas and scheduling presentations for the Board. 


Board of Directors Chairperson – Jan VanDerKley     

Board of Directors Vice-Chairperson – Jim Ritsema

Board of Directors Treasurer – Tracie Moored

Board of Directors Clerk – Richard Fuller

Personnel Committee Chairperson – Pat McGinnis

2025 Meeting Packets2025 Meeting Minutes2024 Meeting Packets2024 Meeting Minutes2023 Meeting Packets2023 Meeting Minutes

Finance Committee

Advising the Board with respect to fiscal policy, the Finance Committee provides recommendations on appropriations, reviews all operational and capital budgets, and reviews matters pertaining to the annual financial audit.  In furtherance of the KCCDA’s overarching goals, it also assesses and recommends actions on claims submitted to KCCDA for payment and oversees grants submitted for approval by the Board.

Board of Directors
(according to Bylaws)
Don Martin (Chair)
Board Treasurer
City of PortageVic Ledbetter
Kalamazoo County Fire
Chiefs Association
Jeff VanderWiere
Matt Beauchamp
City of KalamazooJim Ritsema
Jeff Chamberlain
Kalamazoo CountyKevin CatlinJohn Taylor 
Kalamazoo TownshipBryan Ergang  
Kalamazoo County
Township Supervisors
Randy ThompsonDon Ulsh 
2024 Meeting Packets2024 Meeting Minutes2023 Meeting Packets2023 Meeting Minutes2022 Meeting Packets2022 Meeting Minutes
2021 Meeting Minutes

Personnel Committee

It is the duty of this committee to work closely with the KCCDA’s Executive Director to analyze and advise the Board on personnel policies, benefits, and contracts that may directly or indirectly impact the organization’s employees. Each led by their own representative, KCCDA’s committees meet at different times throughout the year to ensure KCCDA is delivering on its mission to provide the community with a  cost effective and efficient response to public safety emergency services.

Board of DirectorsPat McGinnis Chairperson
KCSORichard Fuller  
WMUScott Merlo  
Kalamazoo TownshipBryan Ergang  
City of KalamazooJeff ChamberlainJim Ritsema 
Kalamazoo CountyJeff HepplerDale Deleeuw 
Kalamazoo TownshipTracie Moored  
2025 Meeting Packets2025 Meeting Minutes2024 Meeting Packets2024 Meeting Minutes2023 Meeting Packets2023 Meeting Minutes 

Technical Advisory Committee

Authorized in the organization’s Bylaws and the Interlocal Agreement, KCCDA’s Technical Advisory Committee fulfills a range of essential duties, including serving as the E9-1-1 Board (as required by statute), assisting with operating procedures, resolving agency disputes, developing standards, and recommendation system/equipment acquisitions. The group meets the first Wednesday of every other month at 10:00 a.m. in the Chief Switalski Meeting Room.

Kalamazoo Dept. of Public SafetyMatt HuberChris Franks
Portage Dept. of Public SafetyNicholas ArmoldJeff VanderWiere
Kalamazoo County Fire Chiefs AssociationGerry LuedeckingChip Everett
Kalamazoo County Medical Control AuthorityWilliam FalesUndesignated
Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s OfficeRichard FullerJames VanDyken
Township of Kalamazoo Police Dept. Bryan ErgangScott Jackson
Michigan State Police – Paw Paw PostScott Ernstes
Dale Hinz
Western Michigan University Public SafetyScott Merlo
Ryan McGregor